9100 Wilbur May Pkwy, Reno, NV 89521
Double Diamond Park
Park Description:
Double Diamond Park is a 10-acre Reno park with restrooms (opened seasonally: late April-early October weather permitting).
Park Amenities:
Baseball/softball fields and a soccer/football field.
Park Contact Information:
City of Reno - Parks & Facilities (775) 334-2417
Park Highlights
Park History
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References & Further Info:
City of Reno Parks & Facilities Directory - Double Diamond Park
Who was Kendyl Depoali. (2018). Retrieved from Community Foundation of Western Nevada: https://nevadafund.org/depoali-kendyl-memorial-scholarship-2/
The May Department Stores Company. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2018, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_May_Department_Stores_Company
Washoe County website: About Wilbur May. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2018, from Washoe County, NV: https://www.washoecounty.us/parks/maycenterhome/maybio.php
Did you know. (2018, January). Retrieved June 2018, from Southeast Connector: http://www.southeastconnector.com/did-you-know/
Higdon, M. (2018, June 28). Southeast Connector opens next week. Reno Gazette Jounral.
Fockler, M. (2007). Plumbing the Truckee: Water, Diversion and the Creation of Community along the Truckee River, Nevada. Reno: UMI Dissertation Services.
Brown, H.K. (1968). A County Called Washoe
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, http://www.rsic.org/rsic-history/
Jill Richardson (history)
Haley McGuire
Alex Shahbazi