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Pecan Tree

Scientific Name:

Carya illinoinensis




Moist woodlands and stream banks


Central United States from Illinois and Ohio down through Texas and Louisiana


Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

This species is


to the Truckee Meadows.


These deciduous trees grow between 75 and 100 feet in height. Their compound leaves are dark green and grow between 9 and 17 smaller leaflets. The underside of their leaves are lighter in color. Pecan nuts are encased in a brown shell. The bark of the trunk is gray in color.

Fast Facts:

  • Pecan trees are the largest species in the hickory family.

  • These trees can live past 300 years of age, but do not produce nuts until they reach 8 to 12 years in age.

  • Pecans are the seeds of pecan trees; they are edible and are used for a variety of different dishes. Pecans are also rich in zinc and Vitamin E and can be used to make milk.

  • Pecan trees have some medicinal uses; pulverized pecan leaves can treat ringworm and pecan nuts are fatty and when consumed maintain heart health.

  • Pecan trees are difficult to transplant since they have a deep taproot. This root grounds them deeply in the soil and cutting it will threaten its survival.

  • Pecan trees are often cultivated and grown in urban areas like Idlewild Park in Reno.



Bridget Mulkerin (research & content)

Max Whealon (research & content)

Alex Shahbazi (edits & page design)

Last Updated:

July 12, 2021 at 10:07:09 PM

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