1950 Steamboat Pkwy, Reno, NV 89521
Damonte Ranch Park
Park Description:
Damonte Ranch Park is an 8-acre Reno park with year-round restrooms.
Park Amenities:
Playground, basketball court, walking paths, picnic shelter, barbeque area, and tables/benches.
Park Contact Information:
City of Reno - Parks & Facilities (775) 334-2417
Park Highlights

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References & Further Info:
City of Reno Parks & Facilities Directory - Damonte Ranch Park
A Steamboat in the Desert. (2010). Retrieved from Healthy Beginnings Magazine: https://www.hbmag.com/a-steamboat-in-the-desert/
Brown, H. (1968). A County Called Washoe.
Davis, S. P. (1913). History of Nevada, volume 2.
Hummel, N. (1888). General History and Resources of Washoe County, Nevada.
Moreno, R. (2015). A Short History of Reno, 2nd edition.
New Southeast Reno. (2008). Reno Gazette Journal .
Protect Mustangs. (2012). Retrieved from Historic Virginia City wild horses going to auction: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=2765
Roccapriore, C. (2007, September 17). Construction under way at site of Damonte neighborhood park. Reno Gazette Journal .
Spillman, B. (2018, January 30). Nevada could give away nearly 3,000 free-range horses in May. Reno Gazette Journal .
Steamboat Springs - Historical Marker #198. (2018). Nevada Historical Markers .
Steamboat Springs. (2018). Retrieved from Nevada State Preservation Office: http://shpo.nv.gov/nevadas-historical-markers/historical-markers/steamboat-springs
Voyage of the Continents: North America (2013). [Motion Picture].
Walton-Buchanan, H. (2015, Winter). The Peleg Brown / Louis Damonte Ranch. FootPrints by Historic Reno Preservation Society .
Jill Richardson (history)
Haley McGuire
Alex Shahbazi