Fishing Derby Registration
*Registration Waiver and Release Terms
By clicking the “I agree” button, you accept the terms of the following agreement:
Please read the entire contents of this document before signing as it has a significant effect on your legal rights. This document is intended to protect Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation, Washoe County, the City of Reno, and the Nevada Department of Wildlife and these entity ’s partners and employees from all liability related to participation in the Carpe Diem Fishing Derby. By signing this form you agree to pay any associated fees. In addition, you acknowledge that while the event is free, there is a no refund policy on any additional purchases associated with this registration.
Unconditional Waiver: I, on behalf of myself, my spouse, my parents and my children, agree that in the event any of the aforementioned individuals sustain personal injury or property damage as a result of participation in the Carpe Diem Fishing Derby, that Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation, Washoe County, the City of Reno, and the City of Sparks and these entity’s employees will not be liable for such injury or damage.
Assumption of the Risk: I understand that it is my responsibility to inquire about the parameters of a program ’s activities and to assess the ability of myself and my child/ward to safely participate in the program. I further understand that certain activities are potentially dangerous, and I assume on behalf of myself and my child/ward all risks associated with participation in any program.
Effect: I understand that this Waiver and Release is binding as to my family members, heirs and executors. In case of medical emergency, accident or illness, Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation, Washoe County, the City of Reno, and the Nevada Department of Wildlife staff have permission to secure medical attention as deemed necessary and staff will communicate with parent, guardian or emergency contact.
I also give my permission for Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation to use any photographs, or testimonials that I or my child completes through participation in the Carpe Diem Fishing Derby for marketing and advertising, such as on promotional materials, brochures, newsletters, annual reports, website, and social media.
I acknowledge that I will read and become familiar with the program information, and I agree to abide by the terms and requirements described therein. I further agree that if I do not understand any portion of the material I will call Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation for further explanation.